In order to get optimal performance from production animals they need to be fed well-balanced diets containing the right amounts of energy, digestible amino acids (in the right ratios), macro minerals, vitamins, trace elements and specialties.
OrangeMills MacroMix, together with the supplied mixing directions, form the basis to produce exactly such well-balanced feeds, all with one bag per Metric Ton. Ensuring that you make optimal usage of your locally available raw materials, resulting in optimal performance of your animals.
OrangeMills Macromix are tailor-made blends containing all necessary vitamins, trace-elements, macro-minerals, amino acids and specialties.
With the standard inclusion rate of one bag per metric ton of feed you can balance your local raw materials into the perfectly optimized feed, containing all necessary ingredients. Limiting risks of dosing errors, no need of sourcing many different small ingredients separately, good homogeneity of the feed, while creating the most cost-optimal performant ration.
Both the product, mixing directions and total ration are tailor-made by our in-house experienced specialists according to the latest nutritional insights.
All to optimize performance in your feed mill and/or home mixing farm!
*not all products are permitted in all markets, nor are all associated claims permitted in all regions. Please contact us for more information.